Program of Speakers for August 20th
Enjoy and Learn from the Under the Rock video recording created by PACTV: Video link
Watch, enjoy and Learn from the Under the Rock video recording created by PACTV: Video link
August Under the Rock Challenge: Post often in your social media feed what you are learning about the lesser known history of communities of color and women’s suffrage.
Good Trouble Voting Challenge: Register to vote, sign up for an absentee ballot, take the census. The Plymouth League of Women Voters will have a voter registration and absentee ballot registration table at the August 20th event. For more information about the Sept 1 primary and November 3 general election:
Diversity Art Challenge 2020 run by the Plymouth Public Schools Visual and Performing Arts Department and Plymouth YMCA Summer Camp: Diversity means the inclusion and advancement of all people regardless or race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, or any other factor. The aim of this challenge is to uplift and include the voices of people who have been historically silenced, marginalized or underrepresented. Submissions accepted in all mediums by August 31, 2020 by sending to